How to plant a Papaya
If you don't have fabulous soil, make some. Dig a hole half a meter across and fill it with a mix of good compost and soil. Actually, make at least two or three such planting beds in different locations.Now sprinkle on some of your seeds. A couple of dozen per bed is a good amount. I usually use even more. Cover the seeds lightly with more compost and then mulch the patch well. The seeds usually take about a couple of weeks to germinate and may take longer.
To grow good papayas you need a frost free climate, lots of sunlight, lots of water and very good soil. If you can supply all of the above you can pretty much stick some papaya seeds in the ground at any time of the year, and six to ten months later they will start fruiting.
Symptoms Small water-soaked lesions of fruit during ripening; circular sunken lesions with light brown margins. Cause Fungus