Purple Waffle (Hemigraphis alternata) Plant


The colorful Purple Waffle plant produces rich purple-tinted foliage with a crinkly look, similar to the texture of a waffle. An easy to grow, low maintenance selection that adds a colorful touch to any room or office.
Your Purple Waffle will let you know when it’s thirsty. Don’t be alarmed if you find it completely limp and wilted. With a good drink, it should perk back up in no time.

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It prefers bright indirect light, but not direct sun. In less light, it may lose some of the rich purple colorings. It consistently moist soil. Allow the water to flow freely from the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot. Always empty the saucer of any water. Purple Waffle does not like its roots to be sitting in water. Purple Waffle loves to be misted, feel free to do this daily, especially in the winter when the air is very dry. Not only does misting provide humidity, it also keeps pests away.

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