Alocasia Cucullata (Buddha’s Palm) Plant


The Alocasia Cucullata plant, nicknamed ‘Buddha’s Palm,’ is a famous houseplant choice. It has earned this unique name because of its slender stems attached to large heart-shaped leaves that seem to be waving with the slightest of breezes.
The leaves of the Alocasia Cucullata are usually dark green with a beautiful glossy appearance. The plant gives rise to dense foliage, all bunched close together. The Cucullata plants are available in various sizes and can reach different heights, the maximum being 60 inches (152 centimeters).

The Alocasia Cucullata plant is believed to bring good luck. Therefore, it is often grown in Buddhist temples across Thailand. Undoubtedly, its lush green foliage can make any place look like a haven of peace and rest.

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The Cucullata plant thrives in bright, dappled sunlight. It requires environments with average humidity. The Alocasia Cucullata plants love pleasantly warm temperatures and enjoy being misted from time to time. These beauties do best in soils that are moist and well-draining.

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