Aglaonema lipstick Plant (siam aurora)
‘Siam Aurora’ is a beautiful type of red Aglaonema, Red Aglaonema houseplants such as the ‘Siam Aurora’ cultivar add color and tropical accents to any interior décor. The many shades of red and sometimes dark pink can brighten up a room. What’s more, the red Siam Aglaonema plant is also easy to care for indoors.
Aglaonema ‘Siam Aurora’ grows as a beautiful indoor plant with a medium growth rate. Growing in pots indoors, the colorful leafy foliage grows a maximum of 3 ft. (1 m) tall and 3 ft. (1 m) wide.
The attractive feature of red Aglaonema plants like the ‘Siam Aurora’ is its red and green, lance-shaped leaves. The large pointed green leaves have warm, rich variegated red colors. Most ‘Siam Aurora’ plants have bright red midribs with red edges. However, some eye-catching red ‘Siam Aurora’ plants have waxy pink or red leaves with green patches.